This site is owned by God & is maintained by Darlene's son Gordy

Sunday, March 4, 2007


Lord I love to tell the story of how I first became aware
Of your love and how you showed me you really,truly care.
I thought I had control,could hold my own position
Till I came against a force for which I had no ammunition.
I struggled in this battle,not knowing how to score

Poison darts were thrown against me,I was in an awful war.
I was shoved and I was battered,In fact I thought I'd lost
I didn't understand,and I didn't know the cause.
Then Lord you sent your angels,they said you heard my cry
They told me that you loved me,that you were on my side
They said you allowed the battle,you knew who the victor would be
For long ago you'd won it on a place called Calvary.
I sing your praises Jesus,my Savior,Shepherd,and Lord
Your words are carried in my heart,now they've become my sword.
No I've never fed a multitude,with five little loaves and fish
But I surely know you have.and through faith you grant a wish.
Lord cross my path with others,please help me share this story
How you rescued me with love,why I give you praise and glory
I've climbed up several mountains,won battles quite a few,
But there's many more ahead and I'll win them all through you.

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